Sunday 18 January 2015


Trikona” means “Triangle” . This asana look like the triangle shape so it is called as Trikonasana.


1.     Initially stand straight and then make around three feet distance between two legs in standing position.

2.     While inhaling raise your both hands upwards direction in such a way that they will be parallel to your shoulder/floor facing downwards.
3.      Now exhale and bend forward your left hand to right side so that your left hand can touch your right toe.
4.     Raise and stretch the left hand towards the sky, look at the palm.

5.     Maintain for some time and repeat to the opposite side. Stay for 2-3 minutes.


·        This asana stretches the muscles and improve the functions of the body. This is a good exercise for pregnant women
·        It increases mental and physical equilibrium.
·        It strengthens the legs, knees, ankles, arms and chest.
·        It reduce anxiety, stress and back pain.
·        It helps to improve the blood circulation of the entire body.
·        It stretches the hips, back, arms thighs and legs so helps to reduce fat.
·        It helps to stimulate the function of kidney.
·        It cures indigestion

o   Person suffering from back and spinal injuries, migraine, diarrhea, low or high blood pressure should not perform this asna.
o   Practice under expert guidance and consult a doctor before practice asana.

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