Thursday 12 March 2015

Benefits of Papaya

Papaya or pawpaw is full of nutrients and vitamin A and C which makes it more lovable for fruit lover rather than other fruits. Another good thing is about papaya is that it is available in all seasons. Papaya contains low calories and no cholesterol and also a rich source of minerals and vitamins. Here are some tips so that you can take more benefits of papaya

1.     Papaya has a source of vitamin A and vitamin K which is  good for bones. Hence papaya consumption helps to strengthen your bones and muscles.

2.    Papaya is also great for hairs as it contain vitamin C which is helpful to keep your hair moisturized.

3.     It is helpful for treating the dry skin. All you have to do is take some meshed papaya and mix some milk cream in it. Then apply the paste on your face and leave it for 20 minutes. After that you can wash your face. It will affect like magic on your skin.

4.     Papaya helps to improve your eyesight.

5.     It is also good when you are using at as a body scrub. For that take som raw papaya and meshed it. Then add some 2tbsp of honey, 1tbsp of soda. Mix it and now your body scrub is ready you can use it.

6.     Papaya Peels helps in reducing the signs of aging and make your skin glow and healthy. Once you eat the Papaya don’t throw off the papaya skin, and gently apply on the skin and leave it for 10 minutes. After that rinse off your face. You will feel freshness in your skin.

7.     Papaya pulp can also heals wounds. Apply papaya pulp directly on external wounds and it will heal quickly.

8.     Papaya also helps boosting and proper fuctioning of immunity system.

9.     It is also helpful of removing tan from your body. For that make some paste of pulpy papaya and add some honey, yogurt and lemon in it. Make a paste of it and apply it on tanned area and leave for 20-30 minutes then wash it off.

10. Papaya is also helpful in uneven skin tone and acne spots. Just rub some unused papaya on your face and leave it for 15 minutes and then wash it off. It results into a glowing and fairer skin.

11.  The peels of papaya is also used for whitening the legs and knees.

12. Papaya keeps your skin hydrated. For getting hydrated skin eating papaya is very good as well as you can mix some meshed papaya with honey and apply it on your face then rinse it off.

13. Papaya contain a chemical called papain. Papain helps to reduce excessive fat from your body.

14. Papaya helps in diabetes. Early research suggested that consuming fermented papaya daily for two months can reduce blood sugar levels in people with diabetes.

15.  Papaya contain high value of  fiber and water in it which helps to prevent constipation and make your digestive system healthy.

7 easy ways to get wonderful legs

1.    Skipping:- Just 10 minutes of skipping in a day can burn your approximate 135 calories as well as improving muscle tone in your lower and upper body. Skipping is a very good exercise of legs.
2.    Stretching:- If you will do 15-20 minutes stretching in a day it will help your muscles pain free. Make sure your thighs,glutes,calves and ankles all need stretching. It will help to remove extra fat from your legs.

3.    Squats :- Squats is the best exercise for toning your legs and building muscles. For doing this exercise start by standing your feet, legs shoulder width apart and back straight. Now Slowly bend down until you reach a seated position. Maintain for 5 seconds and then go back in actual position. Repeat this at least 20 times in a day.

4.    Lunges:- It is the super effective exercise for toning your bum and legs. For this you should start from keep your body straight and chin up, now take a step forward and knee down. Maintain this position for few seconds and then repeat it with another leg.

5.    Cycling:-Cycling for 30 minutes in a day helps to firm up your thighs and tone your legs.
6.    Leg Circles:- To do this exercise lie on your back with hands down and then lift your both legs on 90 degree angle and rotate your legs in the shape of circle clockwise. Do this 15 times. Now do the rotation anticlockwise. It will help you to lengthen your legs and also helps to remove the fat from your abdomen and thighs.

7.    Abs:- For doing this lie down on the mat straight and hands behind your neck with straight legs. Now exhale and slowly lowering your legs to 45 degree angle, slightly raising your head from the floor. Keep your back straight. After that inhale while returning your position. Repeat this 8-10 times. 

Wednesday 11 March 2015

7 ways to get healthy and shiny hair

1.     Egg and banana Hair Mask:-
        Things you will need:-
        Lemon juice- 1or 2 table spoon
First of all take the meshed bananas, egg and lemon juice and make the paste of all the things then gently apply it on your hair. Apply the paste in this way so that it will reach the roots of the hair and leave this for 30 minutes and after that wash your hair with warm water.
          You can apply this paste 3-4 times in a month and soon you will see the softness in your hair.

2.     Olive oil and lemon juice Mask :-
            First of all take the oil in a bowl and mix the lemon juice in it. Now apply this gentally on your scalp and leave it for 50 minutes and the wash your hair with warm water.
 Olive oil is really good for hair. It helps in growing your hair very fast and lemon helps in shining the hair.

3.     Milk cream lemon juice and honey Mask :-
            Things you will need:-
                Milk Cream -100gm
                Honey-3 tbsp
                Lemon juice- 1or 2 tbsp
Take a bowl and mix all the ingredients in that. Now apply the paste on your hair upto the roots  and leave this paste in your hair atleast for 50-60 minutes. After that wash your hair with light warm water. You  can apply this paste on your hair 2 times in a week and after some days you will find the change in your hair.

4.     Yogurt Mask :-  Brush out your hair and apply the yogurt on your hairs and scalp. You can tie up your hair or cover them up with a polybag. Leave it for 30-40 minutes and after that wash them with warm water.

5.     Aloe Vera  and honey Mask :-  Take some aloe vera and mesh it, now mix some honey in it and apply this gel on your hairs and leave it for 30-40 minutes. Now wash it with warm water.

6.     Apple and egg Mask:-  Take 1 apple and mesh it now mix one egg in it and apply this in your hair and leave it for 30 minutes and then rinse it off with warm water.

7.     Orange Juice:- Take a bowl of orange juice and apply this on your hair and leave it for 30 minutes. After that rinse it off.  


The name “Ushtrasana” came from Sanskrit words “Ushtra(ustra)” means  Camel and “asana” means seat. That is why this asana is also known as Camel Pose.

1.     First of all fold the legs at the knee and keep them apart from one another at about 6 inches.
2.     Now stand on the knees and let the ankle and toes of both legs fall flat on the floor. Keep the heels about 6 inches apart.
3.     Bend backward by pushing your abdomen forward and catch hold of ankle one by one by the hands.
4.     Now bend your head backward and breath normally.
5.     Maintain this position for 40-50 seconds and slowly come back to  your normal position. Practice this asana atleast 3 times.

·        Improves core strength of spine, hip and shoulder
·        Increase stamina
·        Help to remove extra fat from back and waist
·        Good for heart

Precautions:-  Person who is suffering from heart diseases,neck related problems high BP, slipped disc, sciatica, sacral infection avoid this exercise. This should be performed under guidance of a yoga expert


  The name “Badhhakonasana” came from Sanskrit words “Baddh” means Bound and “Kona” means angle. This is why this asan is also known as Bound Angle


1.     Sit on the ground and join your both feet together by bending both knees and Keep your back straight.
2.     Now hold your both feet by interlocking the palm fingers.
3.     Now inhale and try to touch both knees to the floor and keep your both elbows outside.
4.      Slowly exhale and bend forward, try to touch your head to the feet. Maintain this position for few seconds and repeat this for atleast 4-5 times.


·        This asan is very beneficial for those who are facing urinary infection
·        Strengthening the muscles of the chest and back
·        Helpful in asthma also
·        Remove excess weight around the waist
·        Helps to improve digestive system
·        Helps in irregular menses and helps ovaries to function properly

Precautions:-  Person who is suffering from heart diseases, high BP, slipped disc, sciatica, sacral infection avoid this exercise. This should be performed under guidance of a yoga expert. 



1.     Sit  with the straights legs with hands on your thighs in relaxed position, Back will be straight.
2.     Now stretch and spread out  both the legs outside as much as possible.
3.     Hold the toes of both of the legs with respective forefingers and thumb and keep bending  forward from low back by exhaling till your forehead touches the ground.
4.     maintain this position for 30-40 seconds and keep your knee joints straight.
5.     Practice this exercise atleast 3 times.

·        Strengthening the muscles of the chest and back
·        It helps to maintain flexibility of spine
·        Nervous system is stimulated
·        Remove excess weight around the waist
·        Helps to improve digestive system

Precautions:-  Person who is suffering from heart diseases, high BP, slipped disc, sciatica, sacral infection avoid this exercise. 

Sunday 18 January 2015


In Sanskrit “Shava” means “Dead body” this is why this pose is also called Dead body PoseSTEPS FOR DOING  SHAVASANA OR DEAD BODY POSE OR SLEEPING POSE:-

1.     Lie like in sleeping position, flat on your back and legs about 20 inches apart from each other. Toes point outwards and heels towards the body.
2.     Keep your arms lie by the side of the body and palms facing upward direction and about 6 inches away from the thighs and relaxed.
3.     Fingers are kept half open in a relaxed way and eyes are kept closed. Breath deeply and slowly through the nostrils.
4.     The attention should be focused on inhalation and exhalation concentrating on the point where air touches the nostrils and feel the warm feeling experienced while exhaling and the cold touch while inhaling.
5.     Don’t move and think that your  body is totally relaxed. Let your tension and stress away from your each breath.
6.     It should be done done for 5-10 minutes to enable complete physical and mental relaxation.

BENEFITS OF SHAVASANA OR DEAD BODY POSE:-·  It is beneficial for improving concentration, curing insomnia, calming mind and releasing stress.
·        It helps to relax each and every part of the body.
·        It helps to calm mind and improve mental health.
·        It is really beneficial for those who are suffering from asthma or diabetes.
·        It helps to improve blood circulation.

NOTE:- Always start shavasana before practicing other yogasana and after ending yogasana.