Thursday 25 December 2014



1.     Take prone like position like Ardh-shalabhasana.
2.     Bring your legs together and keep your chin and rest of the body touching to the ground.
3.     Take a deep breath and lift your both legs as high as you can placing the whole weight of your body on the chest and the hands.
4.     Do not bend your legs and the knees. Keep the hips parallel to the ground and your hands underneath the body.
5.     Hold the posture for 30 seconds at first, later you can increase the time according to you. Do not hold your breath in this posture.
6.     after doing the asana, you can rest by putting the arms below the head like a pillow . Breath normally in the resting position.

·        It build strength in the muscles of the lower back and increase flexibility in the back.
·        It strengthen the arms and the shoulders.
·        It increase the digestive fire.
·        It improve concentration.

NOTE:- Do not practice if you are pregnant

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